Remember, Max speed limit in the club grounds is 5 klms per hour

Club News

Whenever club news or information of interest to members becomes available, it will be posted here.


A reminder for Members and their Guests

Any guests coming into the club, MUST sign the visitors book and be accompanied by a financial member, at all times.
All visitors cars are to be parked outside in the car park.
The Committee


MBFC Welcomes New Sponsors

Sponsors form a vital part of our fishing club and their number is continualy growing.
Our Sponsors Page has just been updated to include many more new sponsors.
Check out our new sponsors here >>


New way to pay Club Fees

We are introducing a new convenient way for members to pay their annual club fees on-line.

Online registration will open on the 1st July 2023
Please ensure your e-mail is current to receive further details. If your e-mail has changed, please advice us ASAP: (admin @

Membership Fees are Due by 31st August.

The Committee


Impending New Marine Safety Regulations

The Department of Transport (DoT) will soon announce the launch of the new safety equipment regulations for recreational vessels in WA.

For more informstion you can download a PDF document here >>> Impending New Marine Safety Regulations

Go to the Department of Transport website here for faq >>>
Department of Transport


Our Club Office

The Club no longer maintains an office.

Please forward your query to the Club Secretary at
(secretary @
or call 0488 505 452 during normal office hours.
The Committee


Members we need your help

We are reallyin need of extra bar staff. If you feel you can donate just 2-3 hours per week to help out behind the bar, please contact us. It's not hard and all the support you need is available.
We really do appreciate our volunteers.
Contact the Secretary on 0488 505 452
e-mail us


Rockingham Sea Rescue

MBFC are VERY SERIOUS when it comes to boat safety. We recommend that all our members register with Rockingham Sea Rescue and log on with them each time they venture out on the water.

This is a long, but important message from "Rockingham Volunteer Sea Rescue Group"

With the recent sea tragedies, we are appealing to all boaties to seriously rethink their actions before and while they are on the water. YOU'RE the Skipper, YOU'RE RESPONSIBLE for your vessel and all persons onboard!

All Marine Rescue Volunteer groups are here to help, we dont do it for glory, we come from all walks of life but we all have one common keep you safe. But we need your help!! When an accident at sea happens, we drop everything in our lives to respond. We search for hours, often day after day, hoping for the best possible outcome, but sometimes it's only to give closure to the loved ones you have left behind.

HAVE all required safety gear, AND know how to use it! WEAR your life jackets/Pfds, they're certainly not there to be a cushion or fashion accessory! LOG-ON with your local Marine Rescue Group, and check that where you go AND the weather are suitable for both your vessel and your own capabilities.

If you are unsure or new to boating, please contact your local Marine Rescue Group for advice.
Our doors are open, use Facebook, use phones..we always try to be available for any questions or queries.
Or bring your boat and your family down so we can answer any questions you AND your family may want to ask.

There is nothing embarrassing about wanting to keep your loved ones safe!

Visit the Rockingham Sea Rescue website here


Club Grounds Speed Limit

The maximum speed limit anywhere in the club grounds is
5 klms per hour.

This is for the safety of other members AND children.

© 1900 to , Mangles Bay Fishing Club Inc. All rights reserved.