Countdown to 2016:
Remember, Max speed limit in the club grounds is 5 klms per hour

About Mangles Bay Fishing Club

What we now know as Mangles Bay Fishing Club was once known as 'Marchant House', a place for fishermen. Then, in 1973, the Point Peron Professional & Amateur Fisherman's Association came into being with Eric Carruthers as it's founding president. A portrait of Eric still adorns the clubhouse walls.

This association was later incorporated in 1983 to become the club we know now. The membership at that time totalled less than 125 members and membership was much sought after. The location and the amenities of the club lends itself to a very casual and purposeful use, sustainable and safe fishing being the main objective of the club, and along with safe storage and maintenance facilities for members boats it has become a very popular social hub.

The Club from the air Mangles Bay Fishing Club

MBFC is a members club run through their personal input and managed by their elected committee. We have a very friendly user bar and clubroom along with a great outdoors and undercover entertainment area, including a children's playground all this within meters of Mangles Bay. Our club is staffed by volunteers from the membership which has created an enormous sense of belonging.

Our Mission

To promote Responsible, Sustainable and Safe Fishing for Future Generations. Also to provide a family friendly community meeting place for members and their friends along with a very casual function centre for members to use for their own special occasions and for the many fund raisers we have for those in the community less fortunate than us.

Contacting Us

If you would like to get in touch with us, see our Contact page. …Contact Page

Bar Hours
Except for special functions

• Mon to Thurs 3pm – 7pm
• Friday 2pm – 10pm
• Sat 12noon – 8pm (if there is a function the bar is open until midnight)
• Sun 2pm – 8pm

© , Mangles Bay Fishing Club Inc. All rights reserved.